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The future of customer experience

13 de maio 2 min. de leitura

Acting to meet the customer’s needs and expectations is one of the most important ways of building a loyal customer base

This is because offering products and/or services along with effective customer service is essential to exceed customer expectations and build a good relationship. 

To achieve this goal, identifying the factors that please and cause discomfort to customers is essential.

Build a Good Customer Relationship

In addition to the initial interaction for purchasing and / or subscribing to products / services, providing several service channels enables the construction of a robust relationship.

After prospecting and marketing strategies, developing initiatives focused on customer pains and needs should be a priority for the organization in order to build trust and loyalty among the customer base.

With the onset of social media, new forms of relationship between companies and customers were made available in the market. Now the consumer has accessible, dynamic, and fast communication channels to provide ongoing feedback.

To control what is exposed by the customer is essential. A system of this type is capable of providing different types of actions, including: interactions, database development, automation, etc.

Using this tool, it is possible to capture any keywords mentioned, separating each service and creating a catalog. The data can be used in an automated way by qualifying the feelings of a statement as positive, negative, and neutral, or by using the information to shape your planning for the future for example.

Deploy customer service support technologies

Offering a humanized, agile and resolute service is what determines customer satisfaction when it comes to relationships. One of the alternatives is to create a customer service history.

If a person has already had a question resolved and returned some time later, there is the possibility of reviewing the whole conversation – from the very beginning – to get a better perspective of all customer needs. Thus, each service is personalized and avoids uncomfortable robotic interactions.

Artificial Intelligence can also be used to send standardized responses, such as a list of documents for an application or sending of a duplicate of an overdue bill.

In this sense, chatbots emerge as an automated way to reduce Customer Service Times.

Understand your Consumer Profile

Another essential step is to assess whether a particular customer’s question applies to other questions. Data collection, in turn, helps to find out more about the customer. For example, average age, gender, salary range and other types of information that are essential for building internal strategies. 

From this, it is possible to build an action plan to solve bottlenecks, as well as formulating strategies based on customer feedback, both in the service team and in the responsible department.

The fact is that ensuring loyal and satisfied customers is one of the greatest challenges of any customer-oriented company. How about putting these tips into practice and improving your service process? Find out how Aktie Now solutions help you achieve this goal.


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